Sunday, 30 August 2015

In OBIA, import error ODI-10013: The import action has been cancelled because it could damage your repository. This is due to SNP_COL object that has object identifier 83689500 that is greater than that for the current SNP_COL id sequence. Importing this object would lead to primary key violations in the future

In OBIA, import error  ODI-10013: The import action has been cancelled because it could damage your repository. This is due to SNP_COL object that has object identifier 82624500 that is greater than that for the current SNP_COL id sequence. Importing this object would lead to primary key violations in the future

- Connect to database instance hosting the Work Respository

Take backup: create database dump or backup to store actual Work Repository data

Take SID_BIA_ODIREPO schema backup of the target.

SQL> CREATE OR REPLACE DIRECTORY DPUMP as '/sid/oracle/exp_dump';

Directory created.

SQL> grant read, write on directory dpump to system;

Grant succeeded.


Renumber the Objects IDs, and change the Work Repository internal ID

On target instance, connect as ODIREPO

SQL> conn SID_BIA_ODIREPO/******

Run select query to get the current value of REP_SHORT_ID

Run update query to update REP_SHORT_ID to new value

Run select query again to confirm REP_SHORT_ID has now got a new value

(Refer to Doc ID 424680.1 for sample SQLs, use these SQLs very carefully)

Re-attempt smart import

Smart import should now be successful without any import errors.

Also recommended to apply below patch on ODI if not applied already

- Download and apply Patch 20005164: MERGE REQUEST ON TOP OF FOR BUGS 18204886 14743289 (Backup repositories before applying patch)

Related posts:

ODI - Applying Patch 20005164: MERGE REQUEST ON TOP OF FOR BUGS 18204886 14743289

Error while renumbering Work Repository ID in ODI - java.lang.RuntimeException: com.sunopsis.dwg.SQLMasterReposException: ORA-02292: integrity constraint (SID_ODIREPO.FK_VERSION_SNP_DAT) violated - child record found

1 comment:

  1. Hi
    We got an error while importing folder to other environment in biapps odi 11g.
    odi smart import of folder fails with oracle.odi.impexp.smartie.OdiSmartImportException: java.lang.NullPointerException
