Monday, 24 February 2014

APPS.OKL_ACCT_SOURCES_PVT PLS-00907: cannot load library unit APPS.OKL_ASE_PVT (referenced by APPS.OKL_ACCT_SOURCES_PVT)

APPS.OKL_ACCT_SOURCES_PVTPLS-00907: cannot load library unit APPS.OKL_ASE_PVT (referenced by APPS.OKL_ACCT_SOURCES_PVT)

After upgrading to R12.1.3, many objects are invalid 

This is due to the missing setup of _disable_fast_validate parameter during the upgrade.

1. Backup your environment
2. Add the following to the database intialization file to disable fast validation for PL/SQL recompilations:


3. Bounce the database
4. Regenerate the apps invalid objects via adadmin or rdbms utlrp tool
5. Revert the change in the database intialization file

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